Best Of Gallery 221: locked
I did get another gas mask! I've foiled the glas of the gas mask with a black foil and modified the internal filter port. And I did get another rubber collar which can be
locked with a padlock. With the zentai hood and gloves on it can be challenging to find the small keys of the padlock and to unlock the collar but I did it :-)
What do you think? What to do next with that new gear?
Costume: black Zentai [FetFash], Gas mask [MSA Auer 3S], rubber collar + lock
Camera: Nikon D300. Radio trigger for camera + flash.
Lens: Sigma 10-20mm
Lighting: Flash with Reflector + Honeycomb from top, Flash with Softbox from bottom right
© all pictures are copyright by LLB - all rights reserved! ©

Best Of Gallery 222: Platinum
The 2-2-2 platinum edition featuring the silver FetsFash "Stetchlack" (PU coated) suit, a extra portion of color and a lot of fun!
That suit is that ultra tight and not that flexible so its quite hard to stretch and I'm very impressed by the seams. It feels like they will rip at any moment but they are still good.
Quite nice quality! The fabric itself is nearly air tight. The white zentai I'd wear underneath was soaked from sweat but it was fun.
Costume: White Zentai [NA], silver PU Zentai [FetsFash], red shorts, yellow fishnet tights
Camera: Nikon D300. Radio trigger for camera + flash.
Lens: Sigma 10-20mm
Lighting: Soft light from flash with big softbox from front right [main], hard light from flash with reflector + honeycomb + blue gel from top left [rim]
© all pictures are copyright by LLB - all rights reserved! ©

Best Of Gallery 223: Adidas Cocoon
A creature is spun into a thin but strong white cocoon. Some time is needed to pull a small hole in the top of this tight and flexible envelope. Slowly extricating from the cocoon the
blue shiny skin of the creature is getting visible. After this process the molting of the blue skin starts and unveil another black second skin which will be segregated in third sloughing process.
In the final status the pure white main skin gets visible.
* Thanks to ronaldf1977 for his suggestions on Flickr!
* There are some lens flares and some strange looking effects at the bottom flash in some pictures I've not got removed.
Costume: White Nylon Tube, Adidas Full Body Swim Suit blue/yellow, Adidas Full Body Swim Suit black, white Zentai [FetsFash]
Camera: Nikon D300. Radio trigger for camera + flash.
Lens: Sigma 10-20mm
Lighting: Flash from behind on floor, flash from behind top
© all pictures are copyright by LLB - all rights reserved! ©

Best Of Gallery 224: Cross Country
Someone complains that I have not shown much of sport suits in last time. Well, thats true. Its hard to find sport suits that fits like a second skin like zentai suits do.
Also I really like the Zentai look to get a head-to-toe coverage. So I did shift more and more to do zentai suits instead of all kind of different sport suits. But I still
like and have a lot of sport suits and will show them from time to time...
What do you think? Should I do more of sport suits?
Costume: Adidas Cross Country Race Suit
Camera: Nikon D300. Radio trigger for camera + flash.
Lens: Sigma 10-20mm
Lighting: Flash hard with red gel from top left, Flash (white) soft from right
© all pictures are copyright by LLB - all rights reserved! ©

Best Of Gallery 225: Ruby
First gallery in 2019! A red shimmery suit in a dark red color remind me of a ruby gemstone.
Costume: red holographic zentai [FetsFash]
Camera: Nikon D300. Radio trigger for camera + flash.
Lens: Sigma 10-20mm
Lighting: Flash hard from top right [main], flash hard from top left [fill/rim]
© all pictures are copyright by LLB - all rights reserved! ©
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